The passionate novel, having hardly begun, was on pause? Or the man of a dream at best treats you as to “the guy”, and in the worst does not notice at all? Do not despair, there is a way everything to correct. The expert shares technicians who will force him to think only of you.
Psychologists developed several lines of conduct which cause positive emotions in the interlocutor, especially if it is the man. Keep in mind: not only the partner’s attitude towards you will be changed, but also you will become more sincere, open and sensual. Try to use serially each of the technician and observe how your internal state and the relation of people around change.

Mental Smoothening
Communicating with people, even by phone, present that easily you caress the interlocutor on the head, shoulders, you hold by a hand. Experiment what of options suits you more and what gives the strongest effect.
Then you look says more than words
Pay attention where you look during the conversation. If you want to be pleasant to the man, look at his tip of a nose or lip. It is an intimate zone; men are very sensitive to such views. They quickly relax, begin to smile and are ready to communication. And here a look strictly in eyes or, what is even worse, between eyebrows – low blow. He signals about attack or serious protection.
Gentle Nicknames
When the two first point relaxed your man, it is possible to start heavy artillery. Pronounce about yourself: “Wash you good”, “You such cool”, “I am happy that you at me are”. These phrases are so impregnated with love that even if you tell them about yourself, to the interlocutor it becomes very warm and cozy. Do you remember what happens to houseplants if to water them and to tell them tender words? People likewise react to heat and caress.
Three Touches
As you already understood, an equipment essence that you repeat all actions three times. Looked in eyes, looked away, repeat three times. Approach and touch his shoulder, then once again and still. The fact is that men think of much and it is not so simple to them to switch as to us. And women often perceive it as lack of love. The tactile contact will help them correctly to reconstruct and begin to react to you quicker.
Words of Power
In a word it is possible to correct bad day and to spoil excellent sex. Therefore, think how you address darling. Do you want the man really to care for you? Replace diminutive-hypocoristic nicknames with strong. Let to him to feel responsible for yours with him life. He came with products home, and you to him immediately: “The getter came! Host!” Be more cunning and more inventive. If the man, having come home, goes for a desktop at once or plunges into computer games, be not angry. Give him time to recover, and itself go on kitchen at this time, warm couple of spoons of olive oil in a frying pan, squeeze out a head of garlic and add some spices. On the house such aroma will go that your darling will precisely pay attention to him. Come into the room, whisper on an ear: “I in kitchen” and at once leave the room. This reception is checked by thousands of women, and it works.
Give a reason to brag
All like to talk about themselves favorite. Give to the partner such chance. For example, at supper ask how he learned to ride a bike or what most of all liked to do in the childhood. Men like to tell about the feats, just we do not ask about it and therefore we know nothing about them.
All these technicians ideally work not only with men, but also in a relationship with children and with parents.
All these councils once again prove, how you feel is how important. Your confidence and love for itself are the main components of your appeal. Happy, emotionally and spiritually filled woman carries out all these technicians easily and without hints.