Spiritually incorrect

You have heard of politically incorrect well I am spiritually incorrect….apparently. I expect the New Age police will come knocking on my door at any minute exclaiming loudly “How dare you question our authority!” Bottom line is I have trouble with movements which follow the release of movies such as the Secret. In the good …
Relationship 101
Exclusive Q&A with Emma Dumont

We just keep getting lucky over here! Emma Dumont who plays the hilarious Melanie Segal on Bunheads was awesome enough to take a few minutes to answer some questions for us. Learn all about Emma’s love for Roller Derby and robots and so much more below! BHB: Many people out there know you from your …
What is asexuality in plain words

Asexual is a person who partially or completely has no physical sexual inclination. It is impossible to confuse asexual with antisexual. Antisexual are people who deny a sexual form of interaction in general. Asexual it is not rejected and take this process in life of other people for granted. At the same time the lack …
Why women did not want to marry Jean-Paul Belmondo
6 ways to make him think about you
Actress who was called the ugliest woman in the world

This impartial title brought a star and a recognized icon of style in literal sense to tears. In 2007 the Sex and the City series star was called one of not sexiest and attractive actresses. And if you think that Sarah Jessica was unaffected by such opinion, then you are mistaken. It turned out that …